Surrender to the Heart
The Sacred Passages

To Surrender - To Yield to a higher power. A releasing, to give up of oneself (ego), a quieting or emptying the mind. Along the inward path often the seeker will learn to Surrender to the heart.

To Receive - As you reach the center or a special place along the path...the heart may open...stay as long as you need. A place of meditation and prayer...illumination. Receive what is there for you...Listen to your open heart.

To Return - Fused with God, your higher power. To return to the "outer" world refreshed, renewed, empowered.

Some Guidelines: Clear your mind and become aware of your breath. Allow your self to find the pace your body wants to go. Do what feels natural.

Pay attention to repeating messages, words, or images and body sensations as you walk the labyrinth.

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